Monday 26 December 2011

7 Tips for Baby Skin Care

Posted by H1T4M at 23:58 0 comments
7 Tips for Baby Skin Care
Baby Bath Pict Baby's skin is very smooth but vulnerable to changes in temperature, drought and infection. Because sweat glands are n...

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Some Small Tube Babies At Risk Male Penis abnormalities

Posted by H1T4M at 05:51 0 comments
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IVF technology allows the process of artificial fertilization and occurs in vitro (outside the human body). But a small number of male babie...

First Heart Pump for Children has been available

Posted by H1T4M at 05:49 0 comments
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Medical equipment designed specifically for children are very little. That is why doctors and surgeons who treat cases of children always ha...

Why Pregnant Women Can not Heat?

Posted by H1T4M at 05:47 0 comments
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Pregnant mothers need to be special. In addition to adequate nutritional intake, pregnant women can not be exposed to hot temperatures. Rese...

5 Most Frequently Cancer Attacking Kids

Posted by H1T4M at 05:45 0 comments
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Cancer is not just an adult disease, but also can affect children even if indeed there are not too many. Although all parts of the body can ...

Twins 8 with 2 mother Assistance Substitute

Posted by H1T4M at 05:41 0 comments
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Guangzhou, generally a mother of twins have only amounted to 2 or 3. But couples in Guangzhou managed to have 8 babies at once by using the ...
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