For those of you who are pregnant, preparing equipment to support nursing mothers also need to be done. What? Seven of equipment is certainly not compulsory everything you have. You alone decide what course of seven below the equipment you need:
1. Breast Milk Pump For those of you working moms, pumping breast milk is certainly needed. Choose a pump that makes mothers feel most comfortable and painless. These pumps have two choices, electrically and manually. .
2. Apron/Nursing Cover
Since in recent years, increasingly nursing apron trend among mothers. You can use it while breastfeeding will be flushed at the office or wherever you are.
3. freezer Freezer is very important for you to have a plentiful stock of breast milk. Rather than freezer in the fridge, freezer can accommodate more specialized Milk Expression (ASIP) and longer lasting cold. Right now you do not have to buy it, there are some people who rent out the freezer.
4. Plastic bottle or breast milk Once pumped or milked, the milk should be stored in a sealed glass bottles before being stored in the freezer. In addition to glass bottles, mothers can also use plastic Breast (Milk Expression).
5. Cooler Bag This bag is essential to bring the milk that was milked when the mother came home from work to home. Choose a cooler bag that can carry all the equipment the mother, such as pumping and bottle, the bottle where ASIP as well as ice packs.
6. Ice Pack or Gel Pack This object allows plastic Breast more durable cold. Directly put ice packs or gel packs so the mother arrived at the office. When the mother came home, put ice packs in the cooler bag with plastic Breast (Milk Expression).
7. Breast Pad Breast pad is needed to absorb excess milk and can often come out suddenly. By using this breast pad, office clothes women can avoid wet. Breast pads are usually equipped with pads that can absorb and use disposable breast milk.
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